A business or a job?

There is so much going on in your business, and it all seems to need your attention. Being busy working in your business means, you do not have a business; you have a job in your business. Most owners did not expect their companies to depend on them, and now they cannot find a way out.

Each business owner has a different story, but there is a common theme. The owner is focusing on the wrong things and is not sure where to focus.

A way out of this dilemma is to think like an entrepreneur. “Owner” is not a position in a company. Some owners do not work in the day-to-day operations of their business others do. If you want to change that, begin by identifying the position or positions you occupy. Your position may be CEO or President. You may also be the CFO, Operations Manager, Sales Manager, Marketing Manager, salesperson and more. How many positions (jobs) do you occupy?

Thinking about the positions you cover may lead you to think strategically about what your business needs. Notice everything you do and ask yourself what position could be or should be doing this. Develop a written process for how you do that work, delegate, and train that person to take on this responsibility. Repeat this until the business does not depend on you, and you can become the leader your business needs you to be.

Notice your inclination to think it is easier just to do it yourself. This thinking keeps you doing a job and most likely struggle to grow your business. You can’t grow a business when you are busy working in it.

A process like this sounds easy. Once you change your perspective, implementing these changes in your business can be challenging. You may need someone to hold you accountable, as old habits are hard to change. The change begins with you.

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